Books and Articles

" 9 You are a lion’s cub, Judah; you return from the prey, my son. Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness—who dares to rouse him? 10 The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his. "

Genesis 49:9-10

God's Gift to the Chinese People
(1st Edition 2003)

Just like a Codex, there are hidden meanings within the characters of the Chinese language (Hanzi). This book gives us a glimpse into these treasures hidden in plain sight.

The Real Narrow Path into the Hidden Kingdom of God: These Biblical Keys Will Propel You Unto Your Next Higher Level of Consciousness in Christ Jesus
(1st Edition 2015)

This book was birthed as a result of seeing many sincere Christians falling into heresy, myths, and fairy tales spun by irresponsible preachers who would speak anything in order to gain an audience through lies and deceit. The contents of this book are not fictional. They were all painstakingly tested and lived in order to test the doctrines learnt in the modern churches. This book is dedicated to help those who want to move in the Spirit of God, to be truly led by him and not by man-made rules and teachings, which have no power to manifest the presence of God in their walk. The author teaches how to hear from God and the main principles or laws in the kingdom of God that is true kingdom living. The author was ordained and called by God through three distinct verses given supernaturally by the Holy Spirit; these are Numbers 33:33, Job 33:33, and Ezekiel 33:33.

My Sheep Hear My Voice
(1st Edition 2007, 2nd Edition 2020)

This book testified to the truth that God is our shepherd and He leads us by talking, giving, showing signs and confirming His words to us. Those who are led by His voice are true sons and daughters.
Find out how you can also walk with God in this book. This is the ultimate worship when we can communicate with our God. This is the era of high speed communications with God. Now you can get in touch with God anywhere, anytime, without the need for quiet time. God can talk to you through the bible and outside the bible in the streets. Its now the time of instantaneous download from God at 5G broadband speeds. What happens in the physical realm is reflective of what is going to take place in the Spiritual Realm. God is now opening his heavens for all to gain access to his Kingdom, but you need to get the tools to do this. This book promises to open the entire secrets to God’s kingdom so that easy access to His throne is possible. With today’s complex problems a single sermon in the church can never fully feed all the hungry people with so much differing needs. It simply cannot. Therefore this is the time that God has allowed me to write this book to empower you all to gain access to his throne directly without any intermediary. These are the days spoken off in Joel 2:28, your sons and daughters shall see dreams and visions. That time has come. And 2 Chronicles 20:20 is the year of the true prophets. May you be blessed because you have gain access to this portal. To God be the Glory.
Let the truth set you free! May you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and find joy evermore.

The Book titled: My Sheep Hear My Voice (1st Edition) is also available in hard copy for reading at the National Library of Singapore.

My Sheep Hear My Voice (1st Edition Cover)
        This first edition of My Sheep Hear My Voice was printed in 2007. It teaches how to hear the voice of God in 14 different ways, to help all Christians get connected to God. Hearing the voice of God is literal. In Matthew 4:4, the bible says, “Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the living God.”
         This book was previously available at . However currently we have migrated to this current website.


Update May 2023:
We have available 800 copies of the printed First Edition of “My Sheep Hear My Voice” . Copies can be purchased at USD 10 per book (excluding postage). If you would like to purchase a copy, please drop us a note on the “Contact Us” page and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you and God Bless.

Thousands of Questions and Answers on tough Christian topics by Joseph Ho available on Quora.

The articles below were written by Joseph Ho. To download for free, just click on the topic of interest.

The articles below were written by Joseph Ho. These articles have been translated into Chinese and are available for free download.

Also available below are the Articles in Audio form. To download, click on the topics of interest. They are available in English and the Chinese Language.

The Articles below were written by Joseph Ho. They are available in PDF Format and Audio Format for free download. Just click on the topic of interest.


My Sheep Hear My Voice: How to hear from God and Prosper - 17th June 2007

PDF Article

Audio Format